This version has been tested on several osCmax installs, all currently working online stores with much success.
The cost to purchase this theme is $20 (USD). If you would like us to install the theme for you, the fee ranges from $30-50 additional, depending on the amount of custom work you need to tweak the template for you. Please contact us at templates at oscmaxtemplates dot com with complete details of what version you run, what current template you run, and any other information you might think we will need.
Please see the screen shots from the installs here. If you head to the sites to poke around more, please do not place any test orders as the sites are live.
If you have installed themes or MODs into your osCmax, then you should have no problem with the installation. It should take no more than an hour at most to install. There should be little more to do than the quick file modifications, resizing your logo, one setting change, and uploading everything to get it all working.
You will receive a ZIP file complete with a detailed README file and all the new files you need for the installation. There are 7 files to easily modify, and one additional file that can optionally be modified for custom links in the mobile menu.
There is one file that needs to be updated occasionally. That information is contained in the README file.
Order your osCmax Mobile Template for v2.0.x Today.
Your ZIP file will be emailed within a short time of receiving payment. This version will be emailed from the UK.
A Mobile-Friendly Template for v2.5x is being tested right now and will be available shortly.. email us at templates at oscmaxtemplates dot com to be put on a notification list.